Monday, April 13, 2020

Tensorflow 2.0 Tutorials - Do It Yourself

TensorFlow Machine Learning
S NoTopicTypeLink
1What is Google Colaboratory for ML DL? - Getting StartedEnvironment Set up
2Accessing google drive files in Google ColabEnvironment Set up
3Python Basics with Google ColabEnvironment Set up
4Machine Learning Flowchart with ColabMachine Learning
5Linear Regression for Layman Explained with ColabMachine Learning
6ML - Linear Regression Explained with ColabMachine Learning
7k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) for Layman Explained with ColabMachine Learning
8Confusion Matrix Explained k-Nearest NeighborMachine Learning
9What is Tensorflow 2.0? TensorFlow 2.0 Architecture ExplainedMachine Learning
10How to install TensorFlow 2 0? Install Tf 2.0 on Google ColabMachine Learning
11Getting Started with Tensorflow 2.0 & Executing First CodeMachine Learning
12Tensorflow Eager Execution - Is it default in TensorFlow 2.0?Machine Learning
13TensorFlow Course Content & Useful LinksMachine Learning
14TensorFlow Understand the data & Frame ML Problem (with Handson)Machine Learning
15Preparing for training a TensorFlow ML ModelMachine Learning
16TensorFlow Train a Deep Neural Net ModelMachine Learning
17Understanding TensorboardMachine Learning
18What is Feature Engineering?Machine Learning
19TensorFlow Improving Model Performance - Feature EngineeringMachine Learning
20TensorFlow - Improving Model Performance - Estimator Train & Eval SpecMachine Learning
21Preparing the TensorFlow Package to train at ScaleMachine Learning
22Running the TensorFlow Model on Google CloudMachine Learning
23Deploying the TensorFlow Model on Google CloudMachine Learning
24TensorFlow Deep Learning (Neural Net)Computer Vision
25Image Classifier Neural Net with Google ColabComputer Vision
26Callbacks in Neural Net with Google ColabComputer Vision
27Data Science - Scenario Based Practical Interview Questions with Answers - 1Interview Preparation
28Scenario Based Practical Data Science Interview Questions with Answers - 2Interview Preparation
29Top 15 Python Programming Questions & Solutions - Do it YourselfInterview Preparation
Additional Videos
1Python Tutorial - Getting StartedPython Basics
2Python Tutorial - Data Types & StringsPython Basics
3Python Tutorial - List & TuplesPython Basics
4Python Tutorial - Sets & DictionaryPython Basics
5Python Tutorial - If Else StatementPython Basics
6Python Tutorial - For & While LoopPython Basics
7Python Tutorial - User Defined FunctionsPython Basics
8Python Tutorial - Read & Write a FilePython Basics
9Python Tutorial - Pandas SeriesPython Basics
10Python Tutorial - DataFramesPython Basics
11Python Tutorial - Lambda & MapPython Basics